ManageEngine Shield 2023: An IAM and Cybersecurity Seminar

Join us in Auckland, Tuesday 6th June or in Wellington, Thursday 8th June to learn about the latest IAM and SIEM trends and best practices. Our presenters Koushik (Cybersecurity Expert) and Manash (Cybersecurity Expert) will discuss the cybersecurity weak spots to address before adopting the Zero Trust approach, managing your security posture from the cloud with Log360 Cloud, and the Basics of Zero Trust. Learn more about IAM and Cybersecurity at this event.

Register here


ManageEngine Cloud-hosted SIEM solution MSSP edition launched

According to a recent ManageEngine study, organisations currently face a shortage of cybersecurity staff. MSSPs also face specific business challenges, such as managing the security of their clients without compromising on data segregation. ManageEngine has launched the MSSP Edition of its cloud-based SIEM solutions, Log360 Cloud. This edition will provide data segregation with multi-tenancy, commitments to data security and more.

Check out launch



Boost technician efficiency with Zia’s interactive actions

We all know how ChatGPT is triggering this conversation on how critical AI will be in the future. How critical is AI going to be in an ITSM environment? The ManageEngine team introduced Zia (Zoho AI), the AI chatbot in ITSM, back in 2019 at a user conference. Since then, Zia has also evolved as well. It started as an AI assistant for businesses, available as a virtual conversation assistant 24*7, Zia started as an IT support agent to boost technical efficiency.

Boost technician efficiency



May 2023

What risks do cloud solutions avoid?

An increasing number of businesses are moving towards cloud solutions. The independence of accessing information anytime, anywhere is something that everyone would like. Mobility in business is more vital than ever in the increasingly hybrid work environments, and data availability stands top of all other priorities. Learn some of the advantages of On-Demand ServiceDesk Plus brings to the table.

Learn the advantages



May 2023

Reduce IT expenditure by 50% using unified IT analytics

Siloed IT monitoring and management software can cost your technicians time and effort as they juggle multiple tabs to find the root-cause of issues. Besides, complete visibility into all of IT is a challenge, so finding instant cures for even minor issues is impossible. Learn how to streamline IT operations, optimise IT expenses and more in this eBook.

Download eBook


Upcoming webinars (May 2023):




May 2023