ManageEngine’s Browser Security Plus is a powerful tool that can help businesses address a range of security issues related to web browsers.


Here are some of the problems that Browser Security Plus can fix:


  1. Vulnerabilities in web browsers: Web browsers are a common target for cybercriminals looking to exploit vulnerabilities to gain access to sensitive data or install malware. Browser Security Plus helps businesses stay on top of the latest security patches and updates for their web browsers, ensuring that vulnerabilities are addressed quickly and effectively.


  1. Unsecured browser configurations: In many cases, security issues with web browsers can be traced back to misconfigured settings. Browser Security Plus provides businesses with a centralized dashboard that makes it easy to monitor and configure browser settings, ensuring that all browsers are properly secured and compliant with company policies.


  1. Malware and phishing attacks: Malware and phishing attacks are a common threat to businesses of all sizes. Browser Security Plus includes advanced anti-malware and anti-phishing features that can help detect and prevent these types of attacks, protecting sensitive data and minimizing the risk of financial losses.


  1. Lack of visibility into browser activity: Without proper monitoring tools, it can be difficult for businesses to keep track of what their employees are doing online. Browser Security Plus provides detailed reports and analytics on browser usage, allowing businesses to identify potential security risks and take proactive steps to address them.


  1. Compliance issues: Many businesses are subject to various industry-specific regulations and compliance requirements related to web browser security. Browser Security Plus includes a range of features and tools that help businesses maintain compliance with these regulations, reducing the risk of costly fines and legal issues.


From vulnerabilities and misconfigured settings to malware and compliance issues, Browser Security Plus provides the tools and features businesses need to stay secure and compliant in today’s increasingly complex threat landscape.

If you are interested in learning more about Browser Security Plus, reach out to our team at for more info.

Security Plus